Towards Cyberpeace: Cybersecurity Challenges in Current Political Situation (online)

Organizer: SIBB e.V.

Cybersecurity has risen to the top of business priorities, especially with growing numbers of cyber threats in the times of remote work and unstable political situation in Europe.

According to research from Gartner, 88% of boards now regard cybersecurity as a business risk rather than simply a technical problem for IT. How companies across Europe are preparing to deal with the challenges of 2023?


0-5 ‘ min Welcome words & short introduction by SIBB e.V

05-10 min Welcome words and short introduction of BCCS, Lithuania

• Magdy Sharawy, Founder & CEO at TrustSec topic tbc (Poland)

• Sina Yazdanmehr, Managing Director at Aplite GmbH topic tbc (Berlin, Germany)

Networking in Zoom breakout rooms.


15:00 - 16:30 Uhr

>> Further information about the programme and the registration!