Robots & Cobots

organized by SIBB e. V.

Comprehensive overview about Robots & Cobots industry as well as creating innovation communities and implementing Innovation Processes.

SIBB is very honored to receive Executives from Slovak Tech-Companies at this event as well. This is a strong ongoing cooperation between the governmental institution SARIO (Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency) and SIBB.


Murat Kazokoglu. Head of Strategy & Consultancy in 3pc GmbH „Creating Innovation Communities -Rethinking Innovation Processes at Siemens.“

Elisa Czerski, CEO in N Robotics GmbH Topic tbc

Dr. Katharina von Knop, CEO,Founder, Digital Trust Officer in Digital Trust Analytics GmbH „How to build human trusted robotics and why is it important for the business success.“

Thomas Staufenbiel, CEO in Gestalt Robotics GmbH Overview about Gestalt Robotics GmbH. Tour around prototyping facilities at Gestalt Robotics.

Get together with snacks & bevereages. Networking part.

>>Further information and registration

16:30 - 19:30 Uhr

Weitere Veranstaltungen an diesem Veranstaltungsort:
Gestalt Robotics