Blockchain Transformation in Mobility and Logistics

(Most of the presentations and panel discussion will be in English.
Some Keynotes will in German due to the specifics of the compliance and law of the solutions/projects).

Car-sharing, ride-sharing and interconnected devices aren’t anything new in Berlin or Germany. Personal mobility services have redefined how people move from place to place. Logistics becomes more autonomous. Until 2020, the amount of IoT devices will grow to 750 million in Germany.

As people move from one vehicle to another, from one device to the other, their personal information and preferences need to follow them, so the mobility services they use feel like their own in terms of settings or security. The interconnected devices will support millions of so-called digital twins with valuable data streams.

Blockchain is defined as a shared, immutable ledger, and it can address many of the challenges that new types of personal mobility present. With Blockchain as technology, business models with a strong dependence on transaction costs are becoming feasible. Blockchain encourages the building of ecosystems with many participants, who share similar interests but don’t trust each other because of the competition in the market

During this event the focus will be on different blockchain solutions for providers of mobility and logistics services:

  • How can providers of transportation use decentralized ledgers for their services?
  • How could blockchain make supply-chain more efficient and transparent?
  • How will blockchain technology transform the IoT sector?

Potential use:

  • Digital identity and vehicle history
  • Car-wallet and autonomous payments
  • Usage based insurance / smart insurance
  • Supply chain tracking
  • Grid metering and storage 
  • Car & ride sharing 
  • Usage-based fees (taxes, tolls, carbon, etc.)
  • Tokenizing the mobility services ecosystem

In this event – jointly organised by three organisations: Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie | | SIBB e.V. – ICT & Digital Business Association Berlin & Brandenburg – some of the best practices from mobility and logistics sector will be presented and you will learn more about the application of blockchain technology (and other distributed ledger technologies) for the benefit of the citizens, communities and environment.

For more information about programm and speakers please visit:

18:00 - 21:00 Uhr

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